
Renovation in a layman’s term can be defined as the modification and restoration of any existing structure, or portion of a structure to replace the old with the new. This may involve drastic changes such as improving a damaged, outdated or broken structure or even subtle changes such as repainting the walls, constructing new cabinets or replacing furniture or fixtures.

Every structure that we see around us whether commercial or residential, all these are a product of their times and inculcated design elements of that era. For example a house designed and built a decade back will be far different than houses that are built today. Times are continuously evolving and something new comes up almost every year which increases the utility and designs of the spaces. Since it is practically not possible to demolish the entire structure after every few years because of the exorbitant cost and time involved, renovations are the only investments that aim to improve the quality of your living space and increase the value of your space as well. The very thought of renovating your house may give you goosebumps thinking about the cumbersome process involved. This is where we step in!

To bring your existing structure to life by converting it into a home that is in sync with the modern times. We have streamlined our renovation processes and made the execution very simple so as to bring our designs to life in stipulated time keeping the clients budget in mind. Renovation involves sensitive planning because constructing or demolishing a part of building, keeping the other parts intact involves a lot of risk. Our experienced architects are trained to predict potential construction hazards and by putting their knowledge into action aim to prevent any such hazards by adjusting the designs. We conduct thorough site analysis and

meet all safety requirements to that your place can be restored according to your taste and budget.

Thinking of remodeling your kitchen?

Kitchens a decade before were less functional in terms of space and fixtures. We have numerous options to make your kitchens stylish and more functional by renovating them with beautiful and stylish finish, like engineered stones, stainless steel cabinets, modular fixtures to make use of every nook and corner and increase space and storage and many more such ideas. We believe in renovating kitchens in a way that every kitchen has a unique design, is budget friendly and is also a reflection of the client.

Whether you need to redo your bedrooms or enhance your living areas we have a number of options to choose from. Some great renovation ideas for the bedrooms can be multifunctionality, by adding beds with storage, decorative headboards, smart and reflective wardrobes, pastel and soft wall shades etc.

Bathroom renovations are very tricky because it might involve risks of seepage if not done right. Our architects follow a comprehensive plan before renovating the bathrooms. Proper research is done to check all pipelines before renovating. Hung toilet W.C, segregated shower areas, countertops and cabinets, we give you the best!

Exterior improvements involve putting all our planning knowledge into action because of the technical aspects required in renovating it. We follow proper procedures and study in renovating exteriors and come up with a design which does not hamper the original structure.

Now since we have equipped you with all the relevant knowledge that you require to start planning your home and office renovations, you can start your renovation projects without any doubts and fear.

We are a firm with strong portfolio which assures quality renovations to our clients, and stick to our timelines at a price which suits our client’s pockets as well. So, choose us, to revamp your place in a way that makes everyday extraordinary.